AI Bias: How Does AI Influence the Executive Function of Business Leaders?

Are Business Leaders Losing Their Minds? “When humans abandon curiosity to the power of AI, the inherent cognitive functions and authority will rapidly weaken to the surrender of the narrated reality created by AI.”

By 2020, the AI market is expected to grow by $47 billion, with the international big data analytics industry expected to grow by $203 billion. The vast majority of AI development is conducted by a modest number of techno-giants (Twitter, IBM, Amazon, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, Apple…). There are over 7 billion people worldwide, yet all of the code is being written by a mere 10,000 people in seven countries. Therefore, the pathway of AI algorithms is deemed compromised, by being in the hands of a few. The purpose of this study is to systematically gather and review evidence which addresses AI, its inherent biases, and its effect on the executive function, which is the brain’s command post, of business leaders.

The review is carried out through the chaos and complexity theory lens. The amalgamation of data and codes have seeded the evolution of barely discernible algorithms that rewrite their own code, creating their own rules, and their own truth. This phenomenon rapidly detaches AI algorithms from human control. While AI algorithms remain unregulated and uncontested, leaders are overwhelmed with big data and precipitously surrendering, rejecting or suppressing their own cognitive instincts regarding AI and its bias, without question. This study supports the notion that decision-making using AI must be interrogated by leaders’ sound elevated executive functioning and collective judgment, using standards and laws, to mitigate bias and to ensure human leaders have the last say in decision-making.

Author: Tamie Santiago


Cite as: Santiago, T. (2019). AI bias: How does AI influence the executive function of business leaders? Muma Business Review 3(16). 181-192.