Welcome to the Muma Business Review

ISSN 2640-6373

The operations and publications of the MBR are supported by the Muma College of Business at the University of South Florida.

The journal’s peer review system is maintained by the Informing Science Institute. To contact the editorial staff, please use the journal’s Contact Us page.

The journal encourages participation from authors and reviewers from around the globe. Additional information on contributing manuscripts as an author can be found on the Authors page. More information on participating as an MBR reviewer can be found on the Reviewers page.

To get started, browse the articles and editorials or use the search and keyword functions to explore specific topics.

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Muma Business Review Outage

We are experiencing an issue with accessing publications from the website. This was precipitated by the file server of the Informing Science Institute being relocated. We are working on updating all the addresses and hope to have it back up and running in the next few days. Sorry for the inconvenience. If you are in …

Reward-based Crowdfunding in a Pandemic

In early 2020, many entrepreneurs were ready to turn to alternative financing such as crowdfunding. But were the ‘crowd’ financing campaigns like they used to? They were not; paradoxically, they were helping projects succeed at a never-before-seen rate. Authors: Matthew Grace Link:  https://doi.org/10.28945/5050 Cite as: Grace, M. (2022). Reward-based crowdfunding in a pandemic. Muma Business …

Editorial: Welcome to the Muma Business Review!

What is the Muma Business Review (MBR)? Why would you read the MBR? Why would you submit your work to the MBR? Why would you serve as an MBR reviewer? This editorial provides a look at the MBR philosophy and procedures. Of particular interest is the way the journal uses templates and its flexible review …