Category «Interview»

The Building of the Man Behind the Thought Leader – An Inquiry into the Life of John Couris

John Couris, Tampa General Hospital’s president and Chief Executive Officer, shared segments of his upbringing and early life experiences.

A Path to Authentic Leadership: Interviews with Jeffrey E. Johnson

Using a phenomenological approach to narrative research, the essence of Mr. Jeffrey Johnson’s lived experiences was explained, supporting a finding that his life stories, crucibles, and leadership style reflected those of an authentic leader.

Thematic Narrative Research to Explore the Traits that Help Shape an Innovator, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist

This study outlines the use of a phenomenological interviewing process, as defined by Irving Seidman (Seidman, 2019), to explore the traits that contribute to shaping an individual as an innovator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist.

Changing Lives Through Innovation: An Interview with Dean Moez Limayem

This narrative profile of Moez Limayem, Dean of the Muma College of Business, was developed using the thematic narrative research method, which included three exploratory interviews. The initial interview on which this narrative is based focused on the formative experiences that shaped Dean Limayem’s life and career up to the present day.

Exploring Impediments to the Proliferation of Commercial Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Use in the National Airspace System (NAS) of the United States

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UASs), best known as Drones, are expanding in their use, finding new commercial applications and honing their abilities in existing applications. The interviews analyzed here are designed to understand why UAS use has not reached its full commercial potential in the United States.

“How much is this worth?” Humana’s Chief Innovation Officer Explains Why This is the Wrong Question

Chris Kay, Humana’s Chief Innovation Officer, shared insights into the innovation decision-making process. Kay discussed specific strategies employed by Humana to bring consumer insights to action and he shared examples of the development of innovation ideas.