Category «Finance»
Development of a Theory That Explains Why Funders of Reward-Based Crowdfunding Campaigns Cancel or Decrease Previously Made Pledges
Crowdfunding research has primarily been composed of attempts to identify crowdfunding performance and success factors. A research gap exists concerning funder motivations and behaviors as well as the dynamics that occur with pledge changes during crowdfunding campaigns. Therefore, understanding funder motivations and pledging behaviors during reward-based crowdfunding campaigns was the focus of this inquiry.
An Examination of Unaddressed Research Gaps in Reward-Based Crowdfunding Performance and Success
Reward-based Crowdfunding in a Pandemic
Blockchain Use Cases in Financial Services
Despite having tried extensively to recruit females to the financial management sector, the industry finds This qualitative study provided insights into the top 17 blockchain use cases identified by Financial Services leaders in 2018 and how much progress (or lack of progress) has been made in 2020. This research provided insights for Financial Services managers …
Motivators of Job Satisfaction Among Financial Managers and The Role of Gender
What Factors Impact Financial Behavior Other than Financial Literacy?
In Huston’s (2010) framework regarding financial literacy, she provides the following conceptual model (Fig 1). This model, which is widely accepted within the research on financial literacy since 2010, reveals that while financial literacy is certainly part of the story influencing financial behavior, it is not the whole story.