How to Encourage Employee Creativity: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review of Organizational Resources

Employee creativity is a necessary component of organizational innovation, a driver of positive business outcomes. How effectively organizations promote creativity may depend, among other things, on the organizational resources utilized.

Academia widely considers innovation an important element of organizational success, vital for the long-term survival of the enterprise. For organizations to innovate though, their employees must ideate: they must first offer creative ways of doing things or solutions to problems that their employers may then implement. However, regardless of whether ideas are ever implemented, encouraging creative tendencies in employees is critical for organizations and their decision-makers. For academics and practitioners to consider possible ways of accomplishing this, a preliminary survey of available academic literature may be warranted. Specifically, by conducting research within the framework of a systematic review of academic literature and by utilizing a robust search protocol, organizational resources can be readily identified as possible drivers of creativity among employees.

This preliminary literature review identified papers that tested different forms of organizational resources as ways to promote employee creativity. However, the resources of leadership and supervision far outnumbered other organizational resources as the focus of the papers reviewed. Future research might consider not only why academics have studied these particular resources more than others but also why leadership and supervision, in particular, have taken center stage in research. Moreover, practitioners may benefit from future research into ways they may be able to develop and implement within their organizations these particular resources.

Authors: Paul Tripp


Cite as:

Tripp, P. (2024). How to encourage employee creativity: A preliminary systematic literature review of organizational resources. Muma Business Review 8(6). 67-78.