Where should a college place its entrepreneurship program? This study of existing programs, both domestic and international, serves to fill knowledge gaps in this field of study.
Entrepreneurship has emerged over the last three decades as arguable the most potent economic force the world has ever experienced. This economic expansion has paralleled rapid growth in the field of entrepreneurship education. Recent developments in curricula and programs devoted to entrepreneurship, new venture creation and corporate innovation have been remarkable. The number of colleges and universities that offer courses related to entrepreneurship has grown from a handful 35 years ago to over 3000 today. In the midst of this expansion lies the challenge of establishing and sustaining entrepreneurship programs in universities across the globe. (Morris, Kuratko & Cornwall, 2013) The literature review will help inform us of the current status of entrepreneurship programs on university campuses and provide us with some indication of any changes in the idea of where to place a new program.
Author: Douglas H. Carter
Link: https://doi.org/10.28945/4385
Cite as: Carter, D.H. (2019). Locating a new collegiate entrepreneurship program, a framework for a university campus. Muma Business Review 3(7). 75-87. https://doi.org/10.28945/4385