Tag «Disruptive Technology»

The Influence of Audit Firm Culture on the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence in Audit Firms

To understand the impact of audit firm culture on AI adoption in audit firms, it is essential to explore the perspectives of leadership (audit partners) regarding AI use. Additionally, examining auditors’ views on AI across various phases of the audit process and assessing how the leadership tone set by audit partners influences these attitudes and …

Exploring Impediments to the Proliferation of Commercial Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) Use in the National Airspace System (NAS) of the United States

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UASs), best known as Drones, are expanding in their use, finding new commercial applications and honing their abilities in existing applications. The interviews analyzed here are designed to understand why UAS use has not reached its full commercial potential in the United States.

Unmanned Aerial Systems

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UASs), best known as Drones, are of ever-increasing popularity, and have given birth to an entirely new industry that encompasses the design, manufacturing, distribution, training, operation, and reporting on developments related to UASs. In addition, UASs augment many pre-existing industries, providing more efficient and effective solutions to a range of industry challenges.