
The Muma Business Review publishes a variety of articles. We welcome submissions from researchers and practitioners regardless of their institutional affiliation. We charge no submission fees or publication fees and provide a variety of peer review options. We also seek to minimize turnaround time, with our target being to move from submission to publication in under 2 months.

In authoring an article for the MBR, the key thing to remember is that we want it written in a style that is engaging to practitioners or, in the case of certain categories of articles–such as research method reviews–to the practitioner scholars who might be putting the findings to use.

To submit an article, there are five key steps:

  1. Use the appropriate authoring template. When you begin writing your article, prepare the template by saving it to your own file name. Templates can be downloaded from:

    Further instructions on using the templates, and descriptions of the templates themselves including videos, can be found at Formatting Muma Manuscripts.

  2. If you do not already have a free ISI Colleague account, sign up at
  3. Submit the article to the MBR peer review site using the “Submit an Article” button at: (you may need to log in again; you can also access this through “Your Articles” in your dashboard). Be sure to select the right journal.
  4. For subsequent access and edits, go to, sign in to your account, then access your user dashboard.
  5. Complete the revisions specified by your editor and reviewer and upload the final version to the peer review site (same link as 4)