Category «Information Systems»
Small Technology Business (STB) Failure Prevention Strategies Using Potential Failure Modes
Proactive strategies to reduce small business failures improve their growth and sustainability. US Labor statistics show that small businesses faced a considerable decline in their survival and that statistics remained steady for decades, indicating the need for in-depth research to find the gap and address the survival of future businesses.
A.I. Is Changing Leadership — and Executives Need to Adapt
Multi-factor Modeling as an Enabler of Supply Chain Risk Management
Supply chains of large-scale, technologically complex products rely on a vast network of suppliers. While supply chain efficiency has improved with the expansion of globalization, supply chain resiliency appears to have worsened. Some would argue, in light of the effects of a global pandemic and war in Eastern Europe, that supply chains have become increasingly …
Development of a Theory That Explains Why Funders of Reward-Based Crowdfunding Campaigns Cancel or Decrease Previously Made Pledges
Crowdfunding research has primarily been composed of attempts to identify crowdfunding performance and success factors. A research gap exists concerning funder motivations and behaviors as well as the dynamics that occur with pledge changes during crowdfunding campaigns. Therefore, understanding funder motivations and pledging behaviors during reward-based crowdfunding campaigns was the focus of this inquiry.
An Examination of Unaddressed Research Gaps in Reward-Based Crowdfunding Performance and Success
Changing Lives Through Innovation: An Interview with Dean Moez Limayem
This narrative profile of Moez Limayem, Dean of the Muma College of Business, was developed using the thematic narrative research method, which included three exploratory interviews. The initial interview on which this narrative is based focused on the formative experiences that shaped Dean Limayem’s life and career up to the present day.