Category «Template»
The Value of a Consortium to an ERP Implementation
The Student Loan Industry’s History and Policy Changes
What is the Impact of Case Management on Medical Cost Reduction in Healthcare Insurance Companies?
Are U.S. Millennials Really Disengaged at Work? A Review of the Academic and Practitioner Literature
A Grounded Theory Study: From Barn to Boardroom
A Qualitative Approach to Understanding Adoption or Resistance of Long-standing Belief Systems within the Equine Industry

Long-standing belief systems are embedded both culturally and historically within the equine industry. A new belief system has been introduced into this industry causing friction to the traditional beliefs. The interviews under analysis are in pursuance of uncovering the possible reasons why people are resisting change or adopting a new belief system.
The Equine Industry: Competing Beliefs, Changes and Conflicts
Is a Culture of Innovation Meaningless to Management?

It seems obvious that a culture of innovation would be good for a company’s performance. Unfortunately, accounting standards don’t allow for intangible assets, such as innovation, to appear on the balance sheet. Why then should a Culture of Innovation be measured, valued and managed, if the financial results are meaningless to executive management?