Rethinking Disruptive and Social Innovation: The Impact Model

The leadership literature often emphasizes innovation coupled with disruption as a source of competitive advantage based on the assumption that, without it, organizations constrain social progress in organizations. We identify a new model that comprehensively considers not only disruptive innovation but also the social impact of future decision-making.

We create a comprehensive framework which we call the impact model. There is a lack of an effective model that can support internal entrepreneurs in their social innovation. This new model fills that gap, taking organizations in the direction of training internal entrepreneurs, thus known as intrapreneurs, to start initiatives that affect society and ensure their survival in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). Organizations cannot innovate without taking into concern diversity, equity, and inclusion. To improve innovation, organizations must address diversity, equity, and inclusion as they innovate continuously. They also need to evaluate what can become disruptive for both a product and social concern.

Authors: Mostafa Sayyadi, Michael J. Provitera


Cite as: Sayyadi, M. and Provitera, M.J. (2023). Rethinking disruptive and social innovation: The Impact Model. Muma Business Review 7(6). 73-78.