Category «Marketing»
Crowdsourced Online Biometric Studies: Is the juice worth the squeeze?
While promising, online biometric studies with crowdsourced participants have vagaries that can limit success. This paper shares researcher experience with biometric online data collection and a study that compared the differences of online and lab-based eye tracking (ET) and facial expression (FE) data.
Multi-factor Modeling as an Enabler of Supply Chain Risk Management
Supply chains of large-scale, technologically complex products rely on a vast network of suppliers. While supply chain efficiency has improved with the expansion of globalization, supply chain resiliency appears to have worsened. Some would argue, in light of the effects of a global pandemic and war in Eastern Europe, that supply chains have become increasingly …
Assessing marketing strategy: Towards an integrated Maturity Model
Maturity models are a simple but powerful tool applied across an ample range of business disciplines. Originally emerging out of quality management and software engineering, these conceptual models help assess the quality of certain processes or strategies; and identify opportunities and actions needed to move to the next stage in maturity (Wendler, 2012). However, there …
Employee Attrition in Pharmaceutical Sales: ASA Theory
Work values shifted in the face of profits versus layoffs during the Covid 19 pandemic. Without learning opportunities to stay engaged, employees working from home were intellectually stunted and flailing to find inspiration. Business as usual now needed the new leader to emerge in a virtual environment.
This is Not Your Parent’s Internship
Corporate Brand Impact on Sales / Revenue Per Share
Case Study: A Workplace Wellness Policy and HIV/AIDS Policy for Zambia’s Ministry of Tourism and Arts
The Ministry of Tourism and Arts (2018) identified an overall goal of utilizing Zambia’s natural and cultural resources as a tourism driver to increase economic growth for the country. However, the industry has experienced problems with attrition, productivity, and high mortality rates of wildlife police officers (WPOs) which negatively affects the ability to protect the …
Investigating Market and Regulatory Forces Shaping Artificial Intelligence Adoptions
The Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Consequently, there has been considerable hype, interest, and even misinformation in the media regarding this emergent technology. Practitioners and academics alike are interested in learning how this market functions in order to make evidence-based decisions regarding its adoption.