Category «Information Systems»

How Does Organizational Culture Influence the Adoption of Research Evidence by Management Practitioners?

Using the best available evidence from multiple sources can lead to more effective management practice. However, management practitioners often make decisions based on limited evidence, mostly from personal experience and judgment. Values, beliefs, and practices may conflict with a manager’s ability to use research evidence in practice.

An Innovative Approach to Sales Lead Generation Using Machine Learning

Using the eADR research method we address a problem of practice in the U.S. staffing industry which is the need for more innovative sales lead generation solutions. Working with a leading U.S staffing firm, we designed and implemented a solution that allows the partner firm to discover new leads.

Digital Identity: A Human-Centered Risk Awareness Study

Cybersecurity breaches have been at the forefront of most news outlets, recently. People’s Digital Identity has been at the epicenter of cybersecurity breaches. Defining the composition of digital identity is the first step at risk identification and the first step towards risk mitigation. Cybersecurity risk management tools are lacking in user-centricity. Organizations like the National …

What Factors Influence Physicians’ Billing Accuracy?

Every year, medical billing errors cost the United States government billions in public funds wrongfully or erroneously paid out. While recent reports indicate modest decline in hospital billing errors, the rate of physician evaluation and management billing errors show no signs of improvement.

Blockchain Use Cases in Financial Services

Despite having tried extensively to recruit females to the financial management sector, the industry finds This qualitative study provided insights into the top 17 blockchain use cases identified by Financial Services leaders in 2018 and how much progress (or lack of progress) has been made in 2020. This research provided insights for Financial Services managers …

Investigating Market and Regulatory Forces Shaping Artificial Intelligence Adoptions

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Consequently, there has been considerable hype, interest, and even misinformation in the media regarding this emergent technology. Practitioners and academics alike are interested in learning how this market functions in order to make evidence-based decisions regarding its adoption.

Introducing a Mobile Health Care Platform in an Underserved Rural Population: Reducing Assimilations Gaps on Adoption and Use via Nudges

This research presents a process for influencing assimilation gaps in healthcare platforms, establishing a methodology that extends the quantifiable practice of traditional assimilation gaps, to multi-level assimilation gaps.

How can Complex Organizations Engage in a Successful Restructuring while Simultaneously Improving the Delivery of Products and Capabilities?

A complex organization can impact a restructure by focusing on the processes and people behind it. Clear communication, an ambidextrous leadership style, training, and job resources can all contribute to maintaining employee engagement and the success of the restructuring initiative.