Category «Template»
Case Study: The Most Effective Career Training Programs for a Workforce Board
Increasing the Missing Middle Housing Types in Tampa Bay: A Cooperative Risk Reduction, Capital Strategy
What Factors Can Increase the Supply of Missing Middle Housing Types in Walkable Urban Core Neighborhoods? A Qualitative Study
Factors Affecting the Supply of “Missing Middle” Housing Types in Walkable Urban Core Neighborhoods
What Can Executives Take From Social Capital Theory?
How can Complex Organizations Engage in a Successful Restructuring while Simultaneously Improving the Delivery of Products and Capabilities?
Digital Logistics Capability: Factors Impacting Technology Acceptance

The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Logistics Competency is concerned with the willingness of their employees to accept and implement digital technology that will transform the analysis of logistics data. The technology acceptance model helps explain the importance of user perceptions in their intention to implement the technology.