Category «Article»

Case Study: The Most Effective Career Training Programs for a Workforce Board

Funds spent in workforce development should result in employment opportunities for incumbent workers. This study researched effective training programs for employment in four of the most relevant industries in the northeastern United States.

Increasing the Missing Middle Housing Types in Tampa Bay: A Cooperative Risk Reduction, Capital Strategy

There is a lack of Missing Middle Housing (MMH) types in walkable urban core neighborhoods in the Tampa Bay area. A cooperative risk reduction, capital strategy is proposed to help increase MMH types.

What Factors Can Increase the Supply of Missing Middle Housing Types in Walkable Urban Core Neighborhoods? A Qualitative Study

What factors and risks that affect the supply of MMH Types? Can a systemic solutions approach through risk reduction and capital to help meet the demand for the MMH types in urban core neighborhoods?

Factors Affecting the Supply of “Missing Middle” Housing Types in Walkable Urban Core Neighborhoods

There is a high demand, yet insufficient supply for Missing Middle Housing types (MMH) (diverse low- to mid-rise housing types) in walkable urban core neighborhoods. This review investigates why.

How can Complex Organizations Engage in a Successful Restructuring while Simultaneously Improving the Delivery of Products and Capabilities?

A complex organization can impact a restructure by focusing on the processes and people behind it. Clear communication, an ambidextrous leadership style, training, and job resources can all contribute to maintaining employee engagement and the success of the restructuring initiative.

Digital Logistics Capability: Factors Impacting Technology Acceptance

The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Logistics Competency is concerned with the willingness of their employees to accept and implement digital technology that will transform the analysis of logistics data. The technology acceptance model helps explain the importance of user perceptions in their intention to implement the technology.

Semi-Autonomous Vehicles & Connected Vehicles Can Save Lives Now!

Autonomous Vehicles mass adoption is not expected until the 2030’s.  Almost 40,000 Americans lose their lives in traffic fatalities every year.  The technology for Connected Vehicles and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles is here and ready to be implemented.  Why has this not happened yet?