Category «Information Systems»

Digital Logistics Capability: Factors Impacting Technology Acceptance

The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Logistics Competency is concerned with the willingness of their employees to accept and implement digital technology that will transform the analysis of logistics data. The technology acceptance model helps explain the importance of user perceptions in their intention to implement the technology.

Semi-Autonomous Vehicles & Connected Vehicles Can Save Lives Now!

Autonomous Vehicles mass adoption is not expected until the 2030’s.  Almost 40,000 Americans lose their lives in traffic fatalities every year.  The technology for Connected Vehicles and Semi-Autonomous Vehicles is here and ready to be implemented.  Why has this not happened yet?

An Examination of Autonomous Vehicle Technology

Although Autonomous Vehicle (A/V) technology has been advancing at a rapid pace, the prospect of mass deployment has not yet been achieved. The American public’s resistance is justified as highly publicized failures of the technology have been reported, heightening public concerns.

Labor Planning Outcomes – Systemic Management Models, Human Interactions, and Knowledge Sharing

Hospitals typically plan and allocate labor from a siloed, department focused perspective. This approach, however, does not align with the system perspective of patient movement through a hospital. This disconnect results in a breakdown of system feedback loops concerning labor planning and allocation resulting in sub-optimized results. A systemic, centralized approach to labor planning and …

Failing Facilities Management: There is Hope for a Better Tomorrow!

Facilities management has suffered as a result of vicious cycles of growth followed by stretches of volatile funding. Technology offers a solution to the industry that reduces cost through increased meaningful communication based on data driven requests.

What Factors Influence Companies’ Successful Implementations of Technology Risk Management Systems?

As the Information Technology (IT) networks and systems used in business becomes more interconnected and intricate, research considers how risk management methods can identify critical technology and security risks, and determine the potential effects on the company should those risks be exploited.

Human Interaction Management Impact on Hospital Labor Planning

Labor cost is the single highest expense for hospitals. Rather than relying on new technology, this case study seeks to utilize Human Interaction Management to redesign work structure and process to improve labor forecasting and scheduling outcomes.

Which Drivers of User Engagement Support the Cost-Effectiveness of Online Self-Help Programs? Amazon Turkers Tell Web Managers What Matters.

Open Forest is a provider of online mental health self-help programs and, in this context, it is crucial to understand the needs of potential users. With a high prevalence of ADHD, user needs to establish commitment and loyalty centered on the ability to engage with others online.