Tag «Leadership»

How to Encourage Employee Creativity: A Preliminary Systematic Literature Review of Organizational Resources

Employee creativity is a necessary component of organizational innovation, a driver of positive business outcomes. How effectively organizations promote creativity may depend, among other things, on the organizational resources utilized.

A.I. Is Changing Leadership — and Executives Need to Adapt

Artificial intelligence is one of the most fascinating developments that the business world is facing. In the right hands, it could be positive; while in the wrong hands, it could be devastating.

Thematic Narrative Research to Explore the Traits that Help Shape an Innovator, Entrepreneur, and Philanthropist

This study outlines the use of a phenomenological interviewing process, as defined by Irving Seidman (Seidman, 2019), to explore the traits that contribute to shaping an individual as an innovator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist.

The Impact of War on U.S. Army Leader Self-Development Domain in the Early 21st Century

The past 19 years of war have impacted the U.S. Army in countless ways. One is arguably on its most precious capability—its officer leaders. As the Army rose to war-related challenges, it did so at leader-development costs. Little time, focus, and a battle environment left developing others and oneself low on the list of priorities.

Chamber of Commerce Leaders: How aligned are they for their organization’s success?

There are over 7,000 chambers of commerce in the United States. Most are led by a paid staff Executive who serves for multiple years as a fulltime employee. They are also driven by a volunteer Chairperson who, typically, serves for one year. Working together is critical for organizational success.